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5 Ways to Detox Your Home and Live More Consciously

November 04, 2019 3 min read

5 Ways to Detox Your Home and Live More Consciously

Have you ever looked at your toothbrush under a microscope?
I’ll be honest - I don’t quite love the thought of looking at it so closely. I know It’s not pretty. It’s covered in little mini toxins, bits of dust, and more. And that’s just one tiny little surface in your home! If you could see all the toxins and dust and gunk in your home, you’d hesitate to go home! Yes below is a photo of a toothbrush bristle covered in YUCK !

 No matter where you go, you’re exposed to airborne toxins likedioxin, asbestos, toluene, cadmium, mercury, chromium, lead, benzene, and more.These toxins build up in our bodies and cause problems from sluggishness and weight gain to headaches, serious illness, and death. It’s pretty easy to see how to avoid these in our food and water (eating mostly clean organic produce and filtering our water) but how do you avoid the toxins in the air? Oh don’t mind me, I’ll be over here holding my breath for the next 25 years…

But you don’t just have to live with these toxins. Wouldn’t it feel incredible to know you’re consciously making a difference for yourself and your family? That you’re making choices today that will protect your long-term health? And that you’re doing everything you can to feel healthy and live a long, disease-free life? 

Here are a few things we do in our home to detox and stay healthy. 

Add Some Foliage: Plants naturally pull toxins out of the air and boost oxygen levels.   Filling your home with living plants can help remove harmful airborne toxins, leaving your home not only safer but cozier and more inviting. Some of the best plants for detoxing your home are snake plants, spider plants, and aloe vera. Looking for something more floral? Stock up on a few Gerber Daisies and Peace Lillies. 

Protect Your Skin:Your skin is your largest organ. Everything your skin touches is absorbed into your body. When you use lotions, soaps, and body scrubs that contain chemicals, you might as well be eating them. To reduce your skin’s exposure to toxins, take a peek under your bathroom sink and swap out your cheap drugstore makeup and lotion for clean, organic varieties (like ourHemp Break Up Make Up Balm or Organic Body Butter Elixr). After all, this is LITERALLY the reason we made them That’s one thing you can check off your to-do list! 

Replace Your Household Cleaners:All commercial cleaning products contain toxins (yuck!!) unless you find natural varieties. The great news is, it’s easier than ever to find products made with natural ingredients. As an added benefit, many natural household cleaners are cruelty-free and vegan. So in cutting out toxins here, you’re also doing your part to spread a little kindness to the world. Feeling extra ambitious? You can make your own cleaning supplies with ingredients you probably already have, like white vinegar, water, lemon juice, and essential oils. We’ll be bringing you a blog on this exact topic very soon. Keep an eye out! 

Toss The Plastic:You know that plastic is killing the world, right? This isn’t news? By some estimates, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050. That’s terrrifyingly soon….And not only is plastic absolutely awful for the environment, but some plastics contain harmful BPA  which is linked to hormone disruption, brain and behavioural issues, and some cancers. Swap out your plastic for more sustainable options. Plastic bags can be replaced with cloth varieties. Plastic bottles can be replaced with glass containers. And plastic straws can be swapped for metal, glass, or ceramic varieties. And try tosupport companies that use glass or biodegradable materials in their packaging. The more you support companies that say no to plastic, the more you push companies to change theirr ways. (We only use glass bottles, so you can shop confidently.)

Take Off Your Shoes:Believe it or not, leaving your shoes at the door can help you breathe in fewer harmful chemicals. Imagine all the places your shoes have been throughout the day. Now imagine breathing in all that gunk. To keep your home fresh, leave your shoes by the door (preferably near a few large plants) and avoid the temptation to track them all over your home. 

At Pink Seed Co., we believe in clean, organic, conscious living. And we know that when you take the time to clean up your home and rid your environment of toxins and chemicals, not only will you feel healthier and happier, but your skin will look so much clearer. Shop our collection of 100% USA-grown hemp skincare products here. 

If you want to find out more about Detoxing- check out our blog on Cleaning up your mind

Also in Live a more conscious life (which in turn makes your skin AMAZING)

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