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All About Relationships: Why Positive Relationships Are Vital for Your Health and Happiness (And Skin!)

November 04, 2019 4 min read

All About Relationships: Why Positive Relationships Are Vital for Your Health and Happiness (And Skin!)

This may be a little off the beaten track for a skincare company, but bear with us for a moment. Your relationships are the most important part of your happiness. All the healthy choices in the world won’t make you happy (or make your skin glow) if you’re struggling to deal with toxic, negative people. 

You know that person who always makes cringe a little?

Maybe it’s a boss who you don’t like, a coworker who always takes credit for your work, or a neighbor who wants to make meaningless small talk every time you’re in a hurry. Less than stellar relationships are a normal and expected part of life. Unfortunately, sometimes these relationships are with people who are supposed to treat us with love and respect. When the people we surround ourselves with aren’t supportive of our dreams or make us feel foolish for believing in ourselves, these relationships are toxic. 

Dealing with toxic relationships can be very difficult. Maybe you have a hard time being around family members who don’t support your dreams or who spend all their time talking about their lives without ever stopping to ask about yours. If you find yourself in a toxic relationship and are ready to take action to make your life safer and happier, here are some steps you can take.

Set Boundaries:The number one thing you can do to manage toxic relationships is to set firm boundaries. By setting boundaries, you get to establish the kind of relationship  you’re comfortable with, how often you wish to see or speak with the person, and what kind of interactions you’ll have moving forward. To set boundaries with toxic people, you need to first decide what your boundaries are. This should be done in advance of having the conversation. You also should be prepared for the person to push back or even be verbally abusive when you state your wishes. Stay strong. If they say they never want to see you again because of your wishes, walk away. Odds are they’ll eventually learn to respect your boundaries. If they don’t, then you’re better off without them in your life. 

The Slow Fade: For people you already don’t see very often and who you aren’t close to, simply practice the “slow fade.” These are friends who drain your energy or make bad life choices that you have to deal with on a regular basis. To start, make yourself very busy for a few months. Every time they invite you out, kindly but firmly tell them you can’t make it. You’re not obligated to give an excuse, but if they ask, it’s okay to say you have plans. Your mental health is more important than their disappointment. Hopefully, after a while, they’ll stop inviting you to things. If not, you may have to move on to the hard conversation (see below). 

Be confident in yourself:When you feel confident in yourself, truly 100% confident in your choices, goals, and actions, you create a bit of a barrier to criticism. Even if a family member tries to tell you that your dreams aren’t realistic, you’ll be better prepared to smile, thank them for their opinion, and move on unscathed. 

Surround Yourself With Positivity:This is the most important lesson of all. Beyond distancing yourself from people who drain you and don’t support you, it’s important to surround yourself with people who make you feel GOOD about your dreams, passions, and beliefs. The saying goes that you are a combination of the five people you spend the most time with. When you choose to be around positive, happy people who inspire others and never tear people down, you will feel empowered and capable of doing everything you want in life. Imagine if everyone in your life encouraged you to chase your dreams. Imagine the feeling of knowing that your friends and family always had your best interest. Imagine being able to show up fully in every relationship, 100% yourself, without wondering how you would be received? The more time you spend with healthy relationships, the more contrast you’ll see with toxic relationships and the easier it will be to recognize you deserve better.

Now, all of this might beg the question, “Why would a skincare company be talking to me about relationships?” It’s a fair question, but we believe that to live a truly conscious life bringing your best self to everything you do, it’s vital to surround yourself with people who encourage you and lift you up. When you’re supported in your mission, you’re more likely to bring good to the world. Plus, when you experience large amounts of stress, your body flushes with cortisol, which can have negative effects on your skin. So maintaining positive relationships leads to glowing, healthy skin. It’s a win, win scenario!

Want to read more about how to get rid of stress and learn to be more at peace. Check out our blog on Meditation and tips for a stress free life. 

Oh and a little secret, I have personally dealt with a lot of this stuff in my life so if you ever want to email me.. I'm here. ! 

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