When we think of getting healthier, we often think of exercise routines, the food we eat and what we put in our bodies. We become conscious of our daily habits and try to focus on self-improvement. But how often do we really think about what we putonour bodies? The skin is the largest organ in the body and when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is largely ignored. If we’re very health conscious we might consider the amount of water we drink and how that affects our skin’s elasticity. Or we might do our best to protect our skin from the sun with a high-quality sunscreen. But most of us fail to plan for all the chemicals our skin naturally absorbs.
Think of the skin as a giant sponge, absorbing everything we put on it. In some cases, this can be a good thing. For instance, when our hands are dry and cracked and in dire need of moisture, it’s a good thing that the skin can soak up moisturizer. But most of the time, our skincare products contain tons of pesticides from non-organic harvesting practices. Products like makeup, lotion, body wash and other cleansers, shampoo, and more are often FILLED with chemicals and toxins. We’re basically dousing our skin in mini baths of poison every day. And don’t even get me STARTED on the disgusting toxins in most commercial deodorants. The number one ingredient is aluminum!! Grrrrr.
These toxins, pesticides, and other chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause all kinds of problems from disease and hormonal imbalances to weight gain and sluggishness. Some people experience symptoms like bloating, chronic pain, fatigue, and more for years or even decades without realizing that a simple change to organics could eliminate them for good.
Our skin deserves better. We deserve better.
So how can we protect our skin? We invest in organic products or those made with organic ingredients. This means committing to buying products that are labeledMade With 100% Organic IngredientsorOrganic.Organic ingredients are never sprayed with pesticides or other harmful chemicals. Because of organic farming practices, you’ll only absorb the specific ingredients on the label. No nasty surprises.
Plus, when a company goes to the trouble of becoming certified organic, it usually means they also attempt to create clean, effective products. Becoming organic certified isn’t easy, so it’s a good sign that they’re making other positive decisions as well.
Going organic is sometimes more expensive than buying drugstore brands, but it’s so much better for your health. When your body isn’t filling up on a daily basis with chemicals and toxins, you’ll feel so much better! You’ll feel less sluggish, your skin will be clearer, you’ll have more energy and less bloating, and in general you’ll just feel healthier. Plus, you’ll feel good about doing your part to help the planet. (Learn more about organic farming and how it helps improve local ecosystems here.) We hope you’ll seriously consider the number of pesticides in your makeup bag and make a conscious choice to do better for your health.
We've made it easy for you to make the decision to change to an Organic clean skin care range. Check out our Collection