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Natural Vs. Organic: How To Choose What’s Right for You

November 04, 2019 3 min read

Natural Vs. Organic: How To Choose What’s Right for You

When you walk through a skincare aisle, you’ll see a lot of things marked as natural, all-natural, organic, and 100% certified organic. And while most consumers think these are the same they're quite different. Figuring out which labels to look for can help you choose the right products for your skin and avoid all the nasties that try to sneak into your medicine cabinet. 

Natural &All-Natural 

The USDA acknowledges that as food processing and manufacturing techniques have changed over time, the term “natural” has become increasingly questionable. When something is labeled as either “natural” or “all-natural” issupposed to mean that the product doesn’t contain any kind of added colors, fillers, artificial flavors, or any type of synthetic materials. Unfortunately, it’s common to find these labels on products that are high in preservatives, additives and any other number of chemically-derived gunk that has no place on your skin. Plus, natural ingredients can be sprayed with pesticides. I other words, “natural” doesn’t always mean safe, non-toxic, or healthy. 

Image result for usda logo

100% Organic,Organic,and Made With Organic Ingredients

Unlike the labels ofNatural andAll Natural,the labels ofOrganic, 100% Organic, andMade With Organic Ingredients are protected by the USDA. They each have a specific meaning and cannot be interchanged. 

When a product is listed as100% Organic, that means that 100% organic of its ingredients, growing practices, and harvesting is organic. It’s a very difficult label to acquire, especially for skincare, which sometimes benefits from small amounts of synthetics. 

When something is listed asOrganic, it means that it is farmed, grown, or otherwise produced in a way that encourages soil and water conservation, reduces pollution, and uses non-chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides and that over 95% of the ingredients are Organic.

Finally, if the product says Made With Organic Ingredients, it indicates that, while it isn’t fully organic, at least 70% of its ingredients are organic. These products cannot use the organic label but can be promoted as being 70% organic on their websites and packaging. 

If a product contains some organic ingredients but is not at least 70% organic, it cannot be labeled as such. These products can list out their individual ingredients as organic, but they cannot claim to be organic products. 

 See? Tooootally easy to remember….:-)

So, now that you know the differences, what does all this mean for your skin? First, don’t confuse natural and synthetic with good and bad ingredients. There are all kinds of natural ingredients that have no place on your skin. Technically, a skincare system made of sustainably grown poison ivy would be considered Natural, but if you used it on your face you’d seriously start to rethink your life choices. 

Poison ivy is an obvious offender, but other natural ingredients that sound lovely can also be awful on your skin. For instance, lime, lemongrass, mint. So Olive oil, apricot oil and many other oils are classed as natural products- if they aren't Organic they could have been prayed with pesticides. Not so natural now huh?

How do you choose for you? A good rule of thumb is to avoid products that contain added color, artificial fragrance, and synthetic fillers. We also think it’s important to find organic ingredients as often as possible, as these are more than just good for your skin - they also benefit ecosystems and the planet as a whole. And when you use natural & organic ingredients on your skin, you’ll feel it. Over time, you’ll notice that your skin is clearer and healthier looking. You’ll also notice that youfeel better. Natural, organic ingredients won’t fill your body with poison, so you’ll feel healthier and more energized.

Sure, buying with natural and organic ingredients is a bit more expensive in the short run, but in the long run you’ll save thousands compared to your non-organic peers who shell out big bucks on big pharma to keep their health in check. Plus we have recently heard about large corporations that have actually been hiding horrifying ingredients in their products.. 

I’d rather pay a few extra dollars today for clean, pure skincare products than a few thousand tomorrow for surgery. Because that sounds awful…..

At Pink Seed Co, we use hemp as our #1 ingredient. We choose organic hemp. Plus, we use the unrefined variety of hemp so it hasn’t been treated to remove the smell or color. Sure, that means our products have a slight smell and a yellow hue, but it’s just a sign that we’ve left all the goodness inside! 

Empty your make up bag and see what you find.. 

Want to learn more about Pink Seed Co. and our commitment to clean, organic skincare? Check out our story here.

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